
Healing with Horses in Squamish, BC


Eve Casavant helps people reclaim their power, open their heart, and follow their calling with the support of the Kind Spirit Horses. She guides people to find their centre with a healthy integration of mind, body and spirit. Specializing in Nervous System Recalibration, Eve enables holding a sacred space with the Horses and Nature, so you can hear the whispers of your soul.


Hello, my name is Eve Casavant.

I am so happy you are here!

I have been around horses my whole life, caring for them from a young age at my Family’s successful Equestrian centre in Quebec. I have been offering and practicing Human Integrative Wellness & Bodywork for over 20 years. Today I am merging all my knowledge to offer you possibilities for healing.

In 2019 I founded Kind Spirit Horses where we (the horses and I ) offer FEEL®(Facilitated Equine Experiential Learning) and provide a safe and comfortable space for people to come relax, let go and share what’s going on for them.

My mission is to help horses and humans find peace in their body and soul. In facilitating Communication between Horse and Human, I hope to inspire people to get reconnected to the everyday magic that lives inside of them and to support horses by helping them heal their physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies. I understand the work I do as it is what changed my life. It is an honour for me to be facilitating sessions with horses as guides and teachers for human evolution.

Remember that transformation is a life-long process, one step at a time, one layer at a time. So be kind to yourself as you enjoy the journey to your destination.

Heart Opening, Transformation, Expansion

My Horses are powerful teachers that give gentle and accurate guidance into your life through intentional interaction.
This is an opportunity to listen to a language older than words where you’ll uncover and recalibrate the energy in your nervous system.

With their guidance you’ll step beyond what you thought possible in your life, out to new places to reconnect with yourself!

Re- Connect with your Authentic Self…

I offer unique and powerful healing experiences that blend meditation, intuitive coaching and energy healing in the presence of horses.

By attuning to your energy and paying attention to your emotional state and body language, horses listen to you at a much deeper level offering profound level of healing. The horses help you connect with the earth and feel grounded and nurtured. They inspire you to be the real you, to empower you to find the courage to let go of your pain and embrace a deep connection with your heart and soul.

Find your path forward.

Honoring the Spirit of All of the Horses that Have Touched our Lives

For centuries, equestrians have experienced and acknowledged the powerful healing capabilities of horses. From their strong physical presence to their quiet intuitive nature, the deep connection between horses and humans spans across mind, body, and soul.
— Eve Casavant