Eve Casavant | Kind Spirit Horses

About Eve

Eve Casavant BsKin, PT, CEMT, RYT, FEEL®, Founder of Kind Spirit Horses

Eve's somatic approach guides people and horses to observe, unravel, and transform unfavourable patterns at the root so that layer by layer, they attune and awaken to the essence of their Authentic self. The core of her approach is anchored in the belief that it is the tools that people walk away with and their direct implication and accountability towards their own well-being and of their Horses that makes a session, treatment or workshop with Eve both effective and transformative.

Eve Casavant, founder of Kind Spirit Horses is a dedicated teacher, facilitator and coach with over 20 years of experience as an Integrative Wellness practitioner with a lifetime spent alongside horses.

Eve has a passion for horses and understands and appreciates the brilliance of their natural wisdom and intuition. Through her extensive training and experience, she gently but firmly guides and encourages you to discover your true self through your interactions with the horse.

Her patient and kind manner will help you develop a confident relationship with the animal all while ensuring your physical and emotional safety.

With her guidance you’ll step beyond what you thought possible in your life, out to new places to reconnect with yourself!